Dec 30, 2010

Happy Days

'Tis the season for fresh starts. If only I could send all you lovely people this just-as-lovely, graphically-good Life Calendar for the new year…

How was your day? Calendar by Brigada Creativa

I wish y'all at least two hundred smiley faces to mark 2011! Coincidentally and appropriately reminiscing…

I used to put together the year-end video mash-up in the newsroom--to go with the end-credits for the last newscast of the year. Years later, I still can't turn off my radar for songs to mark the end of a year and the start of a new one. A few days ago, my Baby Bear (God bless him and his musical inclinations) kept singing this R.E.M. song, and bam! my goodbye 2010/hello 2011 soundtrack hit me.

Okay, some may see it as a song about the apocalypse. How literal of you. Not me. It's the End of the World as We Know It and I Feel Fine. Right, Michael Stipe? Time to reboot and power up for 2011. Cheers to a better world this New Year!


P.S. So where were you and what were you doing when that song was a huge hit? It's making me remember a lot of happy days and crazy nights in the 80's. Insert smiley face!

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