I stumbled upon these cool ideas and spaces online and couldn't help but picture them in our home. Imagine no more....
"Tato, stop playing with your food!"

"Save your climbing for Little Gym!"

"No jumping on the furniture, Mak!"

"Go down the stairs s-l-o-w-l-y, boys!"
(Even our very own Mac Daddy will love this!)

GrandDada and DocDada won't be as thrilled, to say the least.
Until maybe they see this:

Hmmmm. I don't know what your house looks like but I can imagine your boys playing in a house like that... WILD!
Loved these slides! Hi Nana and Nona! It's The Knittymommy! Welcome to the blogging world. Can't wait to see where the adventure takes you!
Nana, this would be so me & Nave's style though I suspect it might drive you nuts.
And the slide, hypertension for Dada!
Didn't we used to fantasize about having slides like these from the compound houses straight into the pool?
Lola B.
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